Crit A: Formal Qualities
What is the assessment criteria looking for?
An effective identification and analysis of the formal qualities for each of the selected artworks, objects and artifacts.
At the highest level of achievement, the CS identifies and analyzes the formal qualities of the selected pieces from at least two cultural origins and the analysis of these formal qualities is thorough and consistently informed by reliable sources.
What does that mean?
This means that at first we must unpack what we can see. We begin by asking ourselves what information has the artist given us in this image? We need to look first at what we can see and then move on to "informing" ourselves on "the why".
Here's a video demonstrating a formal analysis
What could that look like?
3-4 Slides including an introduction slide with all 3 artworks and introduction to the CS. Demonstrate an effective identification and analysis of the formal qualities of the selected artworks, objects and artifacts
Assessment Criteria A - Top Descriptor:
The work identifies and analyses the formal qualities of the selected pieces from at least two cultural origins. The analysis of these formal qualities is consistently informed and effective.
Below is an example of what one slide could look like for Criteria A.
Keep in mind that it needs to be analytical and use subject specific vocabulary, which you can see in bold.
Here are additional examples of what an analyse of the formal qualities of an artwork could look like.
How can I do that?
Write 3 art critiques, one for each artwork. Use the infographic below for guidance The critique mainly addresses Criteria A and a small bit of Criteria B.
Next, write or annotate photos of the artworks about Elements and Principles. (Criteria A) See the Elements and Principles poster in the "Related Resouces" section below. Also, use sources like these: MoMA Glossary of Art Terms and Glossary from the Tate Museum See the example with the Jenny Saville artwork below.
Describe how the work is organized as a complete composition.
What media, process, and technique have been used in each artwork?
Is the process used conventional or innovative?
How have the formal qualities (art elements & principles) been used and are they effective?
How would you evaluate the artworks?
How is the work constructed or planned (i.e., acts, movements, lines)?
Presentation of Formal Qualities